Spatiata goes live!
28th May 2024
Open for business
We are finally proud to announce Spatiata is open for business!
Started in January 2024, Spatiata was created to be a place for people to get spatial data as well
as analytical services (hence the name being a blend of the words 'Spatial' and 'Data').
Functionally operational within one week, we needed a good website in order to properly market our
We started off planning the website with ready to build software but none of these 'out of the
solutions were customisable enough for our needs.
"The ability to customise and create something unique was a necessity."
As a result, we endeavoured to code the entire site ourselves. This task took a little bit of
time as we built basemaps, took photos, designed videos, staged our own stock imagery, all the
little things rather than just yoinking assets from the internet to save time. We wanted it to
be as original as it could be.
Some starting blocks such as Bootstrap was used for code, but we fundamentally modified everything to reflect our own needs. Of course we didn't go to space to capture the gorgeous footage over South Eastern Australia which features as our background video for the site, that was courtesy of NASA1 (but we did edit it).
"Meaning and purpose is what drives us, passion is what fuels us"
We like to think we have a unique perspective on the world, diverse life experience and greater worldly views. As such we opted to set goals right from the start, some of the things we have chosen to do are:
- We use 100% green power and pay a premium to do so.
- We work remotely with no fixed commercial office which saves on travel emissions, excess running costs and gives us the freedom of managing our home life.
- We are fully owner operated, we will never go public as we believe subjection through shares diminishes quality and passion.
- We aim to give back to the community and greater world whether that be by time or money.
The opportunity to make great things and do good for the environment, society and the world is just starting, come join us as we embark on this adventure together!
Want to know more?